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Below are direct links to the resources we recommend, to help you prepare for birth.
Spinning Babies main website here
Visit the Spinning Babies shop here.
*Full disclosure. TLC Birth and Beyond Receives 30% of sales through the special links provided. All funds received will go towards establishing a birth centre in the Eastern Suburbs/Dandenong Ranges to give mums another option other than hospital or home birth.
Hey mama! This course is a holistic approach to breastfeeding empowerment.
Dr Steph D.C. is here to guide you through this crazy, beautiful journey of motherhood and breastfeeding. I've paired my years of clinical experience and my own breastfeeding journey to bring you a holistic course to empower you with everything you need to know to nourish your babies. Dr Steph is based in San Diego where she raises 2 beautiful kids and runs a very successful chiropractic office, helping mums find their way. This link will take you to Dr Steph's course, it is advertised in American dollars just so ya know. |
Below is a list of preferred providers that we work with.
GP - Upwey Doctors - Dr Sharon Lim
Tongue Tie Dentist - Myofocus- Dr Donny Mandrawa
Lactation Consultant - Dr Jenna Evans D.C. CBS, SpBAP, DONA
[email protected]
Midwives - Mamatoto Midwives - Juliana Brennan
Sleep Routines and Strategies -
Melanie Cane Phone: 0419 517 636
Sleep Gem Lisa Arnott Phone 0412 342 348
Pilates - On Core Pilates Upwey
Photographer -
Solitude + Sky Imagery - Jess Young (maternity, newborn, weddings, families)
KiddyKats - Michelle (newborn, maternity, child and family photography)
Informative Websites for Pregnancy:
Evidence Based Birth- An amazing summary of the hotly debated issues within birth, like waterbrith and vitamin k.
Spinning Babies - A unique, step-by-step approach to Optimal Fetal Positioning. Including information on Breech babies
Home Birth in the Hills - a community who meet monthly to discuss home birth in the hills.
Debra Bets Acupressure free download for birth
VBAC Resources:
- Vaginal birth after caesarean by Helen Churchill and Wendy Savage
- Silent knife by Nancy Wainer Cohen and Lois J Estner
- Thinking Womans Guide to a Better Birth - Henci Goer
- Obstetric Myths v’s Research Realities - Heni Goer
- Caesarean Birth: Your Questions Answered by Debie Chippington-Derrick, Gina Lowdon and Fiona Barlow.
- The VBAC companion by Diana Korte
- Gentle birth gentle mothering by Dr Sarah Buckley
- (Birth preparation, birth stories, interventions, prenatal testing, parenting preparedness)
- Ina May Gaskins A Guide to Childbirth- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
- Birthing from Within by Pam England and Rob Horowitz (Childbirth preparation)
- The Pink Kit - Understanding your pelvis, exercises, visualizations etc to have as much space as possible for your baby to navigate their birth journey through.
VBAC Websites:
- CANA - vbac choices - Caesarean Awareness Network Australia www.canaustralia.net
- ICAN - caesarean information - International Caesarean Awareness Network - is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve maternal-child health by preventing unnecessary cesareans through education, providing support for cesarean recovery, and promoting Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC)
- Birthrites - vbac choices - Healing after caesarean www.birthrites.org
- (full of facts and stats, articles, testimonials, recommended reading etc)
- Childbirth Connection’s www.childbirthconnections.org
- “What every pregnant woman needs to know about caesarean section” www.childbirthconnections.org/article.asp?ck=10164
- www.vbac.com - vbac research - Research-based information, resources, continuing education and support for VBAC
- www.spinningbabies.com - optimal foetal positioning - Spinning Babies is a unique, step-by-step approach to Optimal Fetal Positioning. Certain positions of the baby make labor easier than others.
- Statistics and research UK:
- http://www.rcog.org.uk/womens-health/clinical-guidance/birth-after-previous-caesarean-information-you