PRegnancy & your Pelvis
Exercises, stretches, positions for
birth & Labour
1st Monday of the Month @ 6pm
Dr James Evans (Chiropractor, IBCLC, Spinning Babies approved practitioner®) is running a free workshop for all pregnant mums on Exercises, Stretches and Positions for birth! In this workshop, we will cover a lot of very useful information in a short amount of time. We will show you:
Dr James Evans (Chiropractor, IBCLC, Spinning Babies approved practitioner®) is running a free workshop for all pregnant mums on Exercises, Stretches and Positions for birth! In this workshop, we will cover a lot of very useful information in a short amount of time. We will show you:
1. Easy exercises and stretches you can do at home
2. The Do's & Don’ts of Pregnancy
3. Give you a deeper understanding on birth anatomy
4. Present ways to keep balanced in your everyday activities and why this is important for labour/birth
5. Describe what type of discomfort is abnormal during pregnancy and when to seek help
6. How to move your pelvis into different positions during labour/birth
This workshop has been created by
Drs James and Jenna Evans who are pre and postnatal Chiropractors certified by the International Chiropractic Paediatric Association and the first Spinning Babies Aware Practitioners in Australia. Dr Jenna is also a certified Doula and Childbirth Educator. Plus they are both International Board Certified Lactation Consultants.
Register via email or fill out below:
[email protected]
Location: TLC Birth and Beyond
6pm -7:15pm
By providing this free workshop to our community, we are hoping to change the experiences and outcomes for lots of pregnant mums.
If you are experiencing pain in your pelvis we recommend an initial consult with one of our Chiropractors sooner rather than later. Pain is often a sign of loss of function and movement. Movement you will most likely need during labour.